Why Do You Spray Hairspray on Pampas Grass? 

Why Do You Spray Hairspray on Pampas Grass? 
Why Do You Spray Hairspray on Pampas Grass? 

Ever wondered why your pampas grass doesn’t have the same lustrous, full-bodied look as the ones you see in professionally styled photos? The secret might surprise you: hairspray. Yes, you read that right. Hairspray isn’t just for keeping your hairstyle in place, it’s also a game-changer for your pampas grass. But why do you spray hairspray on pampas grass? This blog post delves into the fascinating reasons behind this unusual gardening hack and how it can transform your pampas grass into a stunning, photo-worthy feature. So, whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a curious homeowner, stick around as we unravel the mystery behind this intriguing question: ‘Why Do You Spray Hairspray on Pampas Grass?’.

Pampas Grass Preservation :

Understanding Pampas Grass Preservation

Pampas grass, known for its large, feathery plumes, is a popular decorative plant in landscaping and home decor due to its ornamental value and low maintenance requirements. Preserving pampas grass is important as it extends its lifespan, retains its visual appeal, and prevents damage like breaking or shedding. Improper handling or storage conditions can cause mold growth and discoloration.

Common Preservation Techniques

  1. Drying: Fresh pampas grass has a natural green color, but the plumes will eventually dry out and turn beige or white. Drying pampas grass is an excellent way to preserve its fluffy, feathery plumes.
  2. Storage: If you need to store dried pampas grass, choose a cool, dry place that is protected from light. A closet or pantry is a good choice.
  3. Cleaning and Trimming: Brush off any debris thoroughly from each stem using a dry cloth or brush; be gentle while cleaning so they don’t break off easily. Remove any dead stems with garden shears about one inch above soil level.
  4. Choosing the Right Container: Selecting an appropriate container for your pampas grass is essential to prevent damage and retain its quality. Paper Bags and Vacuum-Sealed Plastic Bags are recommended.

Introduction to the Use of Hairspray

Hairspray is a common household item that can be used to preserve pampas grass. It helps to hold the shape of the plumes and minimize shedding throughout the drying process. Lightly spray the pampas flowers with the aerosol hair spray, allow it to dry, and then spray it again. This keeps the fuzzy parts from falling off while drying progresses. The hairspray helps to preserve the shape and prevent shedding, ensuring that your pampas grass remains a beautiful focal point in your home decor for years to come.

The Benefits of Using Hairspray on Pampas Grass

 The Benefits of Using Hairspray on Pampas Grass

  1. Longevity and Durability: Hairspray can significantly enhance the longevity and durability of preserved pampas grass. It helps to stiffen and preserve the plumes, helping them maintain their shape and texture over time. This ensures that your pampas grass remains a beautiful focal point in your home decor for years to come.
  2. Maintaining the Natural Look and Fluffiness: Hairspray can help maintain the natural look and fluffiness of pampas grass. It can keep your pampas grass fluffier for longer. If the plumes appear compressed, you can place them in the sunlight for a few hours to encourage natural opening before proceeding with the hairspray application.
  3. Preventing Shedding and Maintaining Shape: Hairspray is an effective method to prevent shedding and maintain the shape of pampas grass. It holds everything in place, keeping shedding to a minimum. This will effectively minimize shedding without compromising the beauty of the pampas grass. If shedding persists, you can reapply the hairspray every six months.

Using hairspray on pampas grass is a simple and effective way to preserve its beauty and longevity. It helps maintain its natural look and fluffiness, prevents shedding, and helps the grass maintain its shape, making it an ideal choice for home decor. However, it’s important to note that the type of hairspray used doesn’t matter much, as it’s more about having the hairspray technology itself wrap around the pampas grass to keep it from shedding.

Step-by-Step Guide to Spraying Hairspray on Pampas Grass

Step-by-StepGuide to Spraying Hairspray on Pampas Grass

List of Materials Needed:

  1. Freshly-cut pampas grass
  2. Garden shears or scissors
  3. Rubber bands or string
  4. A well-ventilated and dry space (such as a garage or attic)
  5. Hairspray

Detailed Steps:

1. Choosing the Right Hairspray: Choose a matte, non-sticky hairspray to ensure a natural, flawless finish. The type of hairspray doesn’t matter much, as it’s more about having the hairspray technology itself wrap around the pampas grass to keep it from shedding.

2. Preparing the Pampas Grass: Upon receiving your pampas grass, gently separate the stems and give them a light shake to remove any excess fluff. If the plumes appear compressed, you can place them in the sunlight for a few hours to encourage natural opening.

3. Applying the Hairspray Evenly: Once ready, grab your preferred hairspray and give each stem a spritz. A great trick to keep Pampas Grass from shedding is to use hairspray! Just give each stem a light even coating, and keep them separate and upright until dry.

4. Drying and Final Touches: Hang your pampas grass bundles upside down in a well-ventilated and dry space, such as a garage or attic. Make sure the bundles are not touching each other or any other surfaces, as this can cause them to flatten or stick together. It’s also a good idea to place newspaper or a drop cloth beneath the bundles to catch any loose plumes.

Tips for Best Results:

  • Use an aerosol hairspray for a lighter more even application.
  • If your pampas grass is still not as fluffy as you like, you can gently use your hands to pull the grass apart a bit.
  • If shedding persists, you can reapply the styling mist every six months.
  • Avoid positioning the dried plant in areas with strong drafts, such as near vents or open windows.
  • Keep the plant from touching anything to avoid dye transfer.

How do I make my pampas grass fluffy?

Alternatives to Hairspray for Preserving Pampas Grass

Alternatives to Hairspray for Preserving Pampas Grass

  1. Drying: The most common and natural method of preserving pampas grass is simply drying it. This involves cutting the grass at the right time (usually in the fall), bundling the stems, and hanging them upside down in a well-ventilated and dry space. This method is effective and can extend the lifespan of pampas grass for several years.
  2. Silica Gel: For a more expedited and controlled drying method, silica gel offers a practical and effective approach. Silica gel, a desiccant renowned for its moisture-absorbing properties, facilitates the drying process while maintaining the plumes’ shape and color.

Comparison of Effectiveness and Longevity

Both drying and silica gel methods are effective in preserving pampas grass and can significantly extend its lifespan. However, the effectiveness and longevity of these methods can vary depending on several factors, including the timing of the cutting, environmental conditions, and proper care.

The drying method is a more natural and cost-effective way to enjoy the beauty of pampas grass, as dried stems can be reused in different arrangements or crafts. However, it may take longer (2-3 weeks) and the results can be affected by environmental conditions.

On the other hand, silica gel provides a faster and more controlled drying process. It can help maintain the shape and color of the plumes, making it a good option for preserving the delicate beauty of pampas grass. However, silica gel is a chemical desiccant and may not be preferred by those looking for a completely natural preservation method.

Both methods have their pros and cons, and the choice between them depends on your specific needs and preferences. It’s also important to note that regardless of the preservation method used, proper care and maintenance are key to ensuring the longevity of your pampas grass.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Hairspray

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Hairspray on Pampas Grass

  1. Over-spraying and its Consequences: Over-spraying hairspray on pampas grass can make the plumes stiff and take away their natural fluffiness. It can also lead to a buildup of product on the plumes, which can attract dust and dirt, and potentially diminish the natural beauty of the grass. To avoid this, it’s recommended to apply a light coat of hairspray to the plumes.
  2. Selecting the Wrong Type of Hairspray: While it doesn’t matter much what kind of hairspray you use to keep your dried pampas grass from shedding and preserve it, using a matte, non-sticky hairspray can ensure a natural, flawless finish. A stronger hold, versus a volumizing one probably won’t do much. It’s more about having the hairspray technology itself wrap around the pampas grass to keep it from shedding.
  3. Environmental Considerations: When using hairspray on pampas grass, it’s important to consider the environment in which the grass will be displayed. Avoid positioning the dried plant in areas with strong drafts, such as near vents or open windows. Even with the holding mist, choosing a location that prevents excessive movement is advisable; that way, you can keep the shedding to a minimum and maintain the desired aesthetic of the pampas grass.

Remember, the key to successfully using hairspray on pampas grass is moderation. A light, even coating is all that’s needed to minimize shedding and maintain the natural beauty of the grass. And always consider the environment where the pampas grass will be displayed to ensure its longevity and aesthetic appeal.

Long-Term Care and Maintenance for Preserved Pampas Grass

Long-Term Care and Maintenance for Preserved Pampas Grass

  1. How Often to Reapply Hairspray: If shedding persists, you can reapply the hairspray every six months. This will effectively minimize shedding without compromising the beauty of the pampas grass.
  2. Proper Storage Tips: Here are some tips for storing dried pampas grass:
    • Store it in a dark, dry area away from direct sunlight. Sunlight can cause the blades to fade, lose their texture, and become brittle.
    • Place the grass in a box, sack, or other air-tight, insect-proof container. This will ensure that the grass is free from pests and moisture.
    • Packing some cedar chips or bay leaves with your plant can help deter insects like moths or silverfish from invading your storage unit.
  3. Maintaining Appearance Over Time: Proper care is essential for maintaining the beauty and health of pampas grass in your garden. Here are some tips:
    • For optimal growth and health, it’s crucial to consider sunlight and soil conditions when planting white pampas grass.
    • Pruning pampas grass is necessary to maintain its appearance and prevent dead foliage from accumulating. Perform annual pruning in late winter or early spring, before new growth emerges.
    • Use protective clothing and gloves to avoid irritation from the sharp edges of the leaves.
    • If you don’t do anything, Pampas Grass will eventually die or show signs of yellowing and drying out. The main thing you need to do is cut your pampas grass long enough for your mower’s blades to get through. This will promote new growth and make the old leaves fall off the stalks, opening up more room for sunlight to reach the stalks and roots.

How do you use pampas grass indoors?


In conclusion, this blog post has shed light on the intriguing use of hairspray in preserving pampas grass. It has highlighted the importance of preservation techniques in maintaining the aesthetic appeal of pampas grass and explored the unique role of hairspray in enhancing its longevity, maintaining its natural look and fluffiness, and preventing shedding. The step-by-step guide provides a practical approach to using hairspray on pampas grass, while the discussion on alternatives offers options for those seeking different preservation methods. Ultimately, whether you choose hairspray, drying, or silica gel, the goal is to keep your pampas grass looking stunning and photo-worthy for years to come.


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) 

  1. Can you use hairspray on pampas grass? Some people suggest using hairspray to help fluff up your pampas grass. Spray the hairspray directly onto the plumes and then shake out the excess. This can help keep your pampas grass fluffier for longer.
  2. How do you use pampas grass? Before you do that, you’ll want to spray the pampas grass with hairspray to keep it from shedding everywhere. Then arrange it in a vase, cut the stems the length you need, and that’s it! Pampas grass makes for great decor that’s boho and cool.
  3. Can you put pampas grass in the Sun? But give it a few days. They even say to put it in the sun, not sure if that does anything, but can’t hurt. Once your pampas grass has opened up, you can now style it in a vase and decorate your home with it. Before you do that, you’ll want to spray the pampas grass with hairspray to keep it from shedding everywhere.
  4. How do you keep Pampas grass from shedding? Hairspray! Take your favorite hairspray and spray each stem with it. It holds everything in place keeping shedding to a minimum if none at all. When you get your plumes of pampas grass stems in the mail or home from the store, you’ll want to let them sit in the sun to loosen up. A little gentle wind doesn’t hurt either.


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